OCIA is intended for adults who will hear the preaching of the mystery of Christ, receive the Holy Spirit to open their hearts, and freely and knowingly seek the living God and enter the path of faith and conversion. If you've never been baptized, you begin your preparation with the pre-catechumenate. During this time you have some spiritual conversation about God and the church.
Once you decide to follow Jesus Christ, you celebrate the rite of acceptance into the order of catechumens. As a catechumen, you are considered a member of the church in a broad sense. Unmarried catechumens may have a Catholic wedding; deceased catechumens may have a Catholic funeral.
During the period of the catechumenate, you become acquainted with what the church teaches, you follow the Christian way of life, you engage in liturgical prayer, and you help spread the gospel. The time span for this preparation varies.
This period of formation closes with the rite of election, when the church proclaims that God has chosen you for the sacraments. Usually the bishop leads this ceremony at the cathedral on the First Sunday of Lent.
Next follows a period of purification and enlightenment, during which you make your spiritual preparation for baptism. This period usually coincides with Lent.
Finally you celebrate the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and communion. This usually takes place during the Easter Vigil at your parish.
As a new Catholic following the sacraments of initiation, you deepen your participation through the period of mystagogy by meditating, praying, and doing works of charity.
If you have already been baptized, this preparation can be tailored to your needs.
If you or someone you know is interested in inquiring into our Catholic Faith invite him or her to contact the parish office. Classes are usually held on Sunday mornings.