Ministries are the lifelines of our community. Clergy and parishioners alike enrich their daily lives through ministry with others. At St. Andrew’s our members volunteer their time and talents in many of these ministries.
Liturgical Ministries are directly related to worship service and in some cases are the first points of contact for visitors and guests to the parish.
They include:
• Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM)
• Eucharistic Homebound and Hospital Ministers
• Music Ministers
• Altar Family Servers
• Greeters & Ushers
• CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
• Extended Liturgy (Social)
Pastoral Ministries support the parish through involvement in some of the day- to-day operations, e.g., answering phones, maintaining grounds, maintenance helpers, etc.
They include:
Ground & Maintenance
• Ground Maintenance
• Laundry
• Altar
• Office Helper
• Mailing
• Bulletin stuffers
Outreach Ministries allow members to get involved with programs that minister to those in the community and the Church that are ill, grieving or in need of special assistance.
They include:
• Committal
• Heart to Heart
• Martha Ministry
• Parish Nurses
• Emergency Aid Food Collection (Second Weekend of each Month)
• Prayer Shawl Ministry
Educational Ministries are comprised of volunteers, led by trained staff, and guest speakers who provide programs for which our parish family of adults and children may come to learn and love Christ.
They include:
Catechetical Religious Education
Kindergarten through 12th grade
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Adult Enrichment – Breaking Open the Word