The Labyrinth, a path for prayer and meditation, is on the grounds for walking at any time. The labyrinth is lighted for night use until 10:30 PM each evening.
I can't begin to explain how or why the magic of the labyrinth works, but it does. This is a copy of the one on the floor of Chartres Cathedral. The church, and its masons, knew about sacred geometry and sacred architecture; if you had a model of the Cathedral, you could fold down the wall with the rose window, and the window would land precisely upon the labyrinth.
The labyrinth is a problem-solving device. You can print this one out, and follow the path in and out with you finger (suggest using your left hand if you are right-handed vice versa). You might like to think of the centre as your deeper, wiser self, and the outside as the outside world - and your relationship to each as
Those who walk the labyrinth can stop and think,
they return, the problem has gone.
Try it, it's fun!
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